I pledge to engage with my ‘Secure & Private AI Challenge’ community for at least 30 minutes per day for the next 60 days. 😎
Initiatives I organized¶
- Organizing Kaggle Hackathon
- Blogging challenge
- Job club
- Ice breaking session in #Introduction channel
- Math Blogging Compitition
- Project showcasing Repo Team
Reading now¶
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
Day 60: August 29, 2019:¶
- Driving deep into Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Working on publishing result of Math Blogging Compitition.
- Working on publishing result of Blogging challenge.
Day 59: August 28, 2019:¶
Day 58: August 27, 2019:¶
- Read about computer bus standards,
- Read about design using special purpose controllers,
- Read about floppy disk controller, digital control system,
- Read about computers in telecommunication and control.
- Working on thesis presentation
Day 57: August 26, 2019:¶
- Read about design techniques using MSI and LSI components,
- Read about design of memory subsystem using SRAM and DRAM,
- Read about design of various components of a computer: ALU, memory and control unit: hardwired and micro programmed,
- Read about microprocessor based designs,
- Working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm.
Day 56: August 25, 2019:¶
- Working on FINAL THESIS!
- Worked on announcing the result of blogging competition.
- Read about Need Theory: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s 2 factor Theory, Expectancy theory
- Read about Hershey Blanchard Situational Leadership Model, The Fiedler’s Model
- Read about Purpose of Controlling, Types of Control, The Control Process, Need for Control
Day 55: August 24, 2019:¶
- Read about Nature of Strategic management, using SWOT analysis to formulate strategy.
- Read about Formulate corporate –level.
- Read about Devil’s Advocate, Nature of decision making, rational perspectives on decision making, Decision Making Conditions ( Risk, Certainty and Uncertainty).
- Read about Behavioral aspects of decision making, Heuristics and Biases in Decision Making.
- Read about The elements of organizing, designing jobs, grouping jobs. Establishing Reporting Relationship.
Day 55: August 23, 2019:¶
- Watching Deep Reinforcement Learning for Enterprise Nanodegree Program.
- Playing with OpenAI Gym.
- Read about The nature of International Business, The Meaning of International Business, Trends in International Business, Managing the Process of Globalization: Importing/exporting, licensing, Strategic Alliance and Direct Investment, Competing in a Global Market.
- Read about Decision making and planning process, organizational goals, organizational planning, vision, mission, Organizational Planning (strategic, tactical and operational), Single-Use Plan and Standing Plan
Day 54: August 22, 2019:¶
- Started Deep Reinforcement Learning for Enterprise Nanodegree Program
- Working on resume evaluation Read about Introduction to management, management process, kinds of managers
- Read about Precursors to Management Theory
- Read about Organizational environment: External and internal environment
Today’s Motivation : It is okay to be scared, its okay to cry, everything is okay but giving up is not an option.
Day 53: August 21, 2019:¶
- Working on Side Project Song-recommendation-for-autonomous-Vehicle.
- Working on Side Project Depression Detection Using Twitter Data.
- Worked on howcase-repo-team.
- Working on Math Blogging competition
Day 52: August 20, 2019:¶
- Working on Side Project Song-recommendation-for-autonomous-Vehicle.
- Working on Side Project Depression Detection Using Twitter Data.
- Worked on howcase-repo-team.
- Had meeting with Teammates of depression detection.
Day 51: August 19, 2019:¶
- Learned about VLSM, Switch configaration, IPv4, IPv6, VLAN and ACL.
- Working on Side Project Song-recommendation-for-autonomous-Vehicle.
- Working on Side Project Depression Detection Using Twitter Data.
- Had meeting with Teammates of depression detection.
- Worked on howcase-repo-team.
Day 50: August 18, 2019:¶
- Learned about VLSM, Switch configaration, IPv4, IPv6, VLAN and ACL.
Today’s Motivation :
Day 49: August 18, 2019:¶
- had a virtual meetup with @SusanW to follow up the progress in depression-detection project for the project showcase challenge.
- had meeting in #WW_Who_Code.
- Learning about Wairless and mobile network.
Today’s Motivation :
Day 48: August 17, 2019:¶
- had a virtual meetup with @SusanW @Munira Omar @Labiba @Aarthi Alagammai to follow up the progress in depression-detection project for the project showcase challenge.
- Learnt about finding network, broadcasting form IPv4
Today’s Motivation :
Day 47: August 16, 2019:¶
- Had a virtual meetup with @SusanW @Munira Omar @Labiba @Aarthi Alagammai to follow up the progress in depression-detection project for the project showcase challenge.
- Watched lession 1 of DRLND
- read paper on Fog and IoT: An overview of research opportunities
Today’s Motivation :
Day 46: August 15, 2019:¶
- Had a virtual meetup with @SusanW @Munira Omar @Labiba to follow up the progress in depression-detection project for the project showcase challenge.
- Watched lession 1 of DRLND
Day 45: August 14, 2019:¶
- Announced the second phase of Math blogging competition
- Working with Project Showcase Challenge Team @kkech @Sajjad Manal, @Shanmugapriya @Apoorva Patil @Calincan Mircea Ioan @Sajjad Manal @Soumia
- working on Side project.
Todays Motivation
Day 44: August 13, 2019:¶
- Working on publishing math blogging competition winner.
- Working with Project Showcase Challenge Team @kkech @Sajjad Manal, @Shanmugapriya @Apoorva Patil @Calincan Mircea Ioan @Sajjad Manal @Soumia
Day 43: August 12, 2019:¶
- Reviewing Articles on Math Blogging Competition
- Working with Project Showcase Challenge Team @kkech @Sajjad Manal, @Shanmugapriya @Apoorva Patil @Calincan Mircea Ioan @Sajjad Manal @Soumia
Day 42: August 11, 2019:¶
- Working on showcasing project
- worked on math blogging challenge.
- had meeting for project showcase
- cleaning depressed dataset
Day 41: August 10, 2019:¶
- Working on showcasing project
- worked on math blogging challenge.
- had meeting for project showcase
- cleaning depressed dataset
Day 40: August 9, 2019:¶
- Working on showcasing project
- worked on math blogging challenge.
- working on hackathon sentemento v2.
Day 39: August 8, 2019:¶
- working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm.
- Participating in first skype Meetup for Pull request review of the projects related to Project Showcase Challenge with @kkech @Sajjad Manal, @Shanmugapriya @Apoorva Patil @Calincan Mircea Ioan @archit.
Day 38: August 7, 2019:¶
- working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm.
- Had a great zoom webinar by Brett Ellis (Udacity) LinkedIn Guide: Getting Interviews w/out Applying Pt 1-Profile Optimization.
- Had a meetup with @Labiba @Droid @Munira Omar @Aarthi Alagammai for our project of depression detection. So far we have scraped the dataset and our next target is to clean the data.
- Worked on #Job for resume evaluation.
Day 37: August 6, 2019:¶
- working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm.
- Working on An IOT Based Smart Ballot Box.
- Working on Making a networking tropology of BRACU using VLSM, Switch configaration and ACL.
- had meeting in #sg_dlstarguys with @sourav kumar @Labiba @Diganta @Aarthi Alagammai @Anju Mercian @Ashish Shrivastava @Govind @Munira Omar @Seeratpal K. Jaura @shahnoza @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Archit and @Aniket Mitra
Day 36: August 5, 2019:¶
- working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm
todays Motivation : I want to pursue machine learning as a career but not sure if I am qualified. How can I test myself? answer Andrew Ng : You are qualified for a career in machine learning! Whatever your current level of knowledge, so long as you keep working hard and keep learning, you can become expert in machine learning and have a great career there.
*To anyone interested in the field, start with learning to program. When you’ve mastered the basics of programming, consider the Machine Learning course (Machine Learning | Coursera), then the Deep Learning specialization (deeplearning.ai).
*To go even further, read research papers (follow ML leaders on twitter to see what papers they’re excited about). Even better, try to replicate the results in the research papers. Trying to replicating others’ results is a one of the most effective but under-appreciated ways to get good at AI. Also consider activities like online ML competitions, academic conferences, and keep reading books/blogs/papers.
It’s really not a matter of whether you’re qualified do work in machine learning—I’m sure you are! It’s just a matter of getting the learnings to make yourself more and more qualified.
Day 35: August 4, 2019:¶
- working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm
- Working on organizing Math blogging competetion.
Day 34: August 3, 2019:¶
- working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm
- Working on An IOT Based Smart Ballot Box.
Day 33: August 2, 2019:¶
- working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm*
- Working on organizing Math blogging competetion.
- Working on An IOT Based Smart Ballot Box.
Day 32: August 1, 2019:¶
- working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm
- Announced result ofHACKATHON SENTIMENTO
- Working on organizing Math blogging competetion.
Day 31: July 31, 2019:¶
- working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm
- Working on organizing **Math blogging competetion
- Working on An IOT Based Smart Ballot Box.
Day 30: July 30, 2019:¶
- working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm
- Working on organizing Math blogging competetion.
Day 29: July 29, 2019:¶
- working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm
Day 29: July 29, 2019:¶
- working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm
Day 28: July 28, 2019:¶
- working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm
Day 27: July 27, 2019:¶
Day 25: July 25, 2019:¶
- working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm
- Worked with Coorganizers and Published Hackathon Auto-matic car‘s result
- searched research paper in Reddit
- digging deeper www.arxiv-sanity.com
*todays Motivation : something *
Day 24: July 24, 2019:¶
- working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm
- Read this research paper.
- discussed about lunching math blogging challenge
*todays Motivation : something *
Day 23: July 23, 2019:¶
- working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm
- working on organizing Hackathon https://www.kaggle.com/spaics/virtual-hackathoncars-dataset
- read research paper: http://dspace.bracu.ac.bd/xmlui/handle/10361/12274
*todays Motivation : something *
Day 22: July 22, 2019:¶
Target - read two research papers - check Anne’s trello board and comment there - find more research papers
- working on Classification of Motor Imagery Tasks based on BCI Paradigm
- Hosted a meetup in #sg_dlstarguys, this my first experience of hosting and i am still shaking!
- discussed about organizing Math blogging chalenge.
Todays Motivation : nothing -_-
Day 21: July 21, 2019:¶
- left few groups cause want to focus on one topic
- Worked on research paper
- read research paper
Today’s motivtion : Its amaizing to see how they are working hard to reach their goal
- Had meeting in #sg_depressn-detectn with @Labiba @Droid @Marwa @Mushrifah Hasan and @anne and set plan wor working on this week.
- had meeting in #sg_spaic-kagglers with @Shubhendu Mishra @Munira Omar @Labiba @Richaldo_Elias @Marwa and planned to work on this https://www.kaggle.com/c/digit-recognizer
- worked for Hackathon Blossom with @Arka @Mohona @Ivy @Mushrifah Hasan @Munira Omar @Amina Assouane @George Christopoulos @Jeet and @annaSWE
Today’s motivation :Want to work on Depressio project more seriously.
Day 20: July 20, 2019:¶
- organized second hackathon Hackathon Automatic and worked for it.
Today’s Motivation : positive feedback from people who participated hackathon
Day 15: July 15, 2019:¶
- had meeting in #sg_wonder_vision with @Arunn @nabhanpv @James Korge @Gowtham kumar Kammana @Mohona @Pooja Vinod @Temitope Oladokun @pranita shrestha @Vamsi @Rupesh Purum @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Joyce Obi @Helena Barmer @Mahak Bansal and set tasks for next week.
- completed Food recomandation system project.
Today’s motivation : When you have 99 reasons to give up, find one reason to hold on.
Day 14: July 14, 2019:¶
- Worked on organizing hackathon -https://www.kaggle.com/spaics/hackathon-blossom-flower-classification
- had meetup in
- worked on Titanic and watched few videos.
Day 13: July 13, 2019:¶
- Had a virtual meet-up and discussed our project “Denoising autoencoders”
- worked on food recomandation system project
Today’s Motivation :
Day 12: July 12, 2019:¶
- working on organizing Hackathon : https://www.kaggle.com/spaics/datasets
- Had our forth meeting for #sg_spaic-kagglers with @Marwa @Shubhendu Mishra @Richaldo_Elias @Labiba @Munira Omar and working on this Kernel
Today’s Motivation : It was not a productive day :(
Day 11: July 11, 2019:¶
- Had meeting for #sg_wonder_vision with @Shashi Gharti @Mahak Bansal @Sourav @Helena Barmer @Dilip Kumar Meher @Joyce Obi @Elena Kutanov @Pooja Vinod @Rupesh @Prabha Venkatesh
- Had meeting for #sg_bangladeshi-schlrs
- Had our third meeting for #sg_spaic-kagglers with @Marwa @Shubhendu Mishra @Richaldo_Elias @Labiba @Munira Omar and working on this Kernel
- Announced Hackathon
Today’s Motivation : In Sha Allah I can do this!
Day 10: July 10, 2019:¶
- Had our very first meet up for #sg_wrldwde-women-cdrs with @Helena Barmer @Deasy Indrawati @Shashi Gharti @Marwa @Medha Gupta.
- Had our third meeting for #sg_spaic-kagglers with @Marwa @Shubhendu Mishra @Richaldo_Elias @Labiba @Munira Omar and gonna work on this Kernel
- participated in varsity’s quiz, it was not good though. -_-
Today’s Motivation : Dont you think you should work harder, Mohona?
Day 9: July 9, 2019:¶
Worked on thesis project
Day 8: July 8, 2019:¶
Had meeting with team for kaggle competition
Day 7: July 7, 2019:¶
Working on project Food recommendation system.
Day 6: July 6, 2019:¶
Working on thesis paper
Day 5: July 5, 2019:¶
Created study group and have made plan with them.
Day 4: July 4, 2019:¶
Working on project Food recommendation system.
Day 3: July 3, 2019:¶
attended Webinar on Problem solving using AI by QuantumBlack
Day 2 : July 2, 2019:¶
Working on project Food recommendation system.
Day 1 : July 1, 2019:¶
Working on project Food recommendation system.